Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I was paid a wonderful compliment recently by a very smart and very effective educator, she said, "It is great to work with someone who believes we can make it happen, even if we have no clue how it will happen."

"How" will never slow us down. "How" will never stop us.
We know we "can," because "Belief is the silent side of action."

Our vision is big and we understand and relentlessly prepare for the work that it takes to implement that vision.

William Easterly, writes "Planners announce good intentions, but don't motivate anyone to carry them out; Searchers find (or create) things that work and build on them."

Everyone who focuses on HOW to do it, may never do it. These are Easterly's "planners."

Everyone who focuses on WHY we do it, can make it happen. These are Easterly's "searchers."

Be a Searcher.

Learn. Act. Imagine. Repeat.

Best advice I ever gave.

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